Published on
19/03/2011 in
Evenimente, fotografie and urbea mea.
Tags: ada roseti, anca buliman, andreea vass, biblioteca universitatii bucuresti, cariera, eveniment, GOmentorship, melania medeleanu, mentor, oricum,, piata universitatii, portret, speech, Universitatea Bucuresti.
Prima intalnire GOmentorship pe 2011, cu Ada Roseti, Melania Medeleanu, Anca Buliman si Andreea Paul (Vass). Mai multe imagini AICI. Impresii aici.
![GO15ian 278 Melania Medeleanu @ GOmentorship](
![GO15ian 111](
![GO15ian 041 Ada Roseti @ GO mentorship](
![GO15ian 133 GOmentorship public](
Published on
07/02/2011 in
La Strada, alb-negru, fotografie and urbea mea.
Tags: abstract photography, alb-negru, cabluri electrice, ceata, hote, hotel intercontinental, inter, minimal, piata universitatii.
![hotel intercontinental ceata s](
as seen from Kubis on a foggy day
E perioada aia a anului cand se naste un nou folder de poze, viitor gigant, in (D:).
Se va chema “2011″. Been there, done that cu 2005, 2006, 20…
Va fi ordonat si prietenos o vreme, fiecare subfolder la locul lui, cu un nume si tematica bine definite. La inceput imi va fi drag sa descarc lucruri el, motiv pentru care, treptat, se va aglomera, blura, haotiza. It’s the circle of life.
La anu’ si la multi ani!
![brad stelute 2011](
![andreaua lipscani2](
Gabroveni, colt cu Şelari
This is where my sister and I used to get our glass beads and other crafts materials.
It now “exists” in the form of a fast-food place.
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Published on
06/11/2010 in
Evenimente, fotografie and urbea mea.
Tags: bucharest fashion week, catwalk, designerbfw, fashion, fashion photography, fashiontv, feet, fotomodel, mihai albu, pantofi, prezentare de moda, shoes, techno preludique.
colectia Techno Preludique by Mihai Albu, la Bucharest Fashion Week
![Mihai Albu techno preludique-4](
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![Mihai Albu techno preludique-20](
A thin premeditated rig
To use in rising. (E.B. White )
![spider water drops](
Published on
07/10/2010 in
Evenimente, fotografie and urbea mea.
Tags: cui i-e frica de virginia woolf?, emilia popescu, fotografie, nikon, scena, stefan banica jr., tamron, teatru, teatrul de comedie, theatre, who's afraid of virginia woolf?.