Archive for the 'scriituri senzatii impresii' Category


The fermenting crowd was making it difficult to focus on just one individual, colours of all sizes merging into one compact hoard. In all that rainbow mush, a white ball of fluffy-dog-madness caught my eye, but my attention soon switched to the little girl standing numbly next to it.

I rushed to the viewfinder to take one shot before the door hid her away completely. Quickly zoomed in and framed the photo,  just as her brother was turning away, his t-shirt granting me the dusty background to match her pixie eyes and  cover the souvenir clutter. The light was perfect and her colours were magic. I usually take a few extra shots because I feel I could do it differently; this time, one was all I needed, anything extra would have lessened its relevance. It all happened so fast it overwhelmed me.  I immediately left the scene, with an almost guilty feeling of having stolen something.

This here is the reason I take photos, that  moment in which the Photography Gods put everything in order to create one  frame for you to find. And the best part is chasing that fleeting frame.


Take the Star Trek Quiz

Captain Jean-Luc Picard

Always in control, you are a great leader, deligator, and diplomat. These qualities attract people to you, and this sometimes annoys you.

Aloof, introspective, and philosophical; you enjoy quiet time in solitude.

be drunk

“Il faut etre toujours ivre. Tous est là : c’est l’unique question. Pour ne pas sentir l’horrible fardeau du Temps qui brise vos épaules et vous penche vers la terre, il faut enivrer sans treve. Mais de qoui? De vin, poésie ou de vertu, à votre guise. Mais inivrez-vous.” Charles Baudelaire

You have to be always drunk. That’s all there is to it–it’s the
only way. So as not to feel the horrible burden of time that breaks
your back and bends you to the earth, you have to be continually
drunk. But on what? Wine, poetry or virtue, as you wish. But be drunk.

1 an in 40 de secunde

by Eirik Solheim.

Yes, they did!

It’s good to be an American today, Obama a iesit presedinte! America vibreaza si promite schimbare.

Cu atat mai mult, dupa ziua de azi, alegerile noastre de pe 30 par o gluma. Ei voteaza schimbare, noi pur si simplu votam alte fete.


dream dictionary

Am cautat simbolistica visului de aseara. Dream reading is fun :D

Umbrella: Umbrellas in our dreams indicate our need to take a closer look at our worries and fears. When we have an open Umbrella in our dream we must act carefully and watch how we behave with others. White Umbrella: Sathwic way of life: pure, equal and steady and detached. (aici)

In visul meu, umbrela era crem, dar presupun ca intra tot la alb. Or is it just wishful thinking? Semana mai de graba cu umbrela lui Monet, dar stricata.

Theatre: To dream of being at a theater, denotes that you will have much pleasure in the company of new friends. (de aici)

Chair: To see a chair in your dream, symbolizes your need to sit down and take time out to contemplate a situation before proceeding. To dream that someone is offering you a chair, signifies that you need to be open to taking and accepting advice. ( brilliant dreams)


Dinosaur: To see a dinosaur in your dream, symbolizes an outdated attitude. You may need to discard your old ways of thinking and habits.To dream that you are being chased by a dinosaur, indicates your fears of no longer being needed or useful. Alternatively, being chased by a dinosaur, may reflect old issues that are still coming back to haunt you. (dream moods)

Auch! Partea draguta e ca in visul meu dinozaurul vorbea, iar eu il filmam in timp ce se apropia de fereastra la care stateam. Era speriat ca se apropie “adevaratii dinozauri”. Try to interpret that why don’t you?

sacrul si profanul

Tocmai am vazut un documentar destul de entertaining pe Explorer. Se pare ca bungee jumping-ul a fost practicat pt prima oara in insula Pentecost din Vanuatu. Cu mica diferenta ca bastinasii foloseau liane (nu sunt elastice!) si o faceau sperand sa imbogateasca recolta de cartofi… Iar pentru asta era imperios ca saritorul sa atinga pamantul cu capul (?!), altfel recolta era distrusa.

Turistii au venit, s-au minunat, si in timp ritualul a trecut granitele insulei si s-a transformat intr-o chestie comerciala. Heck, rugaciuni, adrenalina, tot pe-acolo… Macar de-ar fi primit si venuatezii ceva pentru copyright!

imagine de aici

crocs are for the old and the smuggish

Hate-post de frustrare pentru care bietele hidosenii nu au mare vina in afara de a-mi fi sarit in ochi in aceasta perioada delicata care a inceput de cateva saptamani si care va mai dura inca pe atat – un fel de PMS prelungit pentru care matineul de joi cu Miss Cornilescu (omg, e pe wikipedia!) ar fi nirvana tuturor sangerarilor posibile si nu.


Daca ar fi sa ne luam dupa capacitatea autohtona usor intarziata de a urmari “tendintele” din afara, vara asta ar trebui sa se produca explozia de crocs si pe la noi. Deja am dat peste niste exemplare intr-un magazin care incepe cu S, pretul nu mi s-a parut exagerat si de aici ingrijorarea… La pitzipoance stim sigur ca n-o sa prinda iar cum, sa recunoastem, ele sunt majoritatea, retrag ideea de explozie folosita mai sus. Totusi, I feel them, waiting, lurking… Din putinii pe care i-am vazut pana acum pe strada (4 perechi) si din descrierea lor, amatorii de crocs mi se par… vezi titlul. Thumbs up ca sunt odor-resistant si moi, cred ca i-as purta la mare. Thumbs down: all of the above.

Bonus – din disperare, unii au facut si un blog anti-crocs (sa fie in scop comercial, sa nu fie… pana una alta, eu ii sustin :D ) iar altii chiar ii interzic!

dupa 26 de luni si 11 zile (pentru cineva care nu mai este)


Am visat ca eram prezenta atunci cand s-a intamplat. Cumva, amandoi stiam ce urmeaza. In vis, tu erai un baietel; asteptand ghemuit pe canapea, tineai strans un ghiozdan patrat cu catarame. Te tineam in brate si erai mic. Ti-am mangaiat fruntea rece si parul ud de lacrimile celorlalti si mi-am inghitit privirea ca sa nu te sperii. Voiam sa-ti arat ca nu esti singur, sa iau din durere si sa pleci mai usor…

De ce Heath Ledger si nu Britney?!

S-a intamplat ieri :(

Continue reading ‘De ce Heath Ledger si nu Britney?!’


Soon, no part of you

Will be left in my system.

I’m breathing you out


Fotografia asta are aproape 4 ani. Nu s-a pierdut la scanat. Inca imi place. Cred ca ma intorc la film, e mai intim si mai real.

Muse a adus toamna

(Comtemplating) fairy princess ce sunt, am fost ieri la Muse. Nu-mi veneau a crede urechilor( mov de frig), m-am dus la concert cu asteptari mari, si oamenii astia au reusit sa le depaseasca! Brett Anderson n-a fost nici el mai prejos , asa ca am avut parte de un fel de concert 2-in-1.
A fost frig, si toamna; vorba Andreei, vremea se potrivea cu muzica de pe scena.
Ce de copii in public – norocosii! Ma gandesc la liceu, si la ce-ar fi fost sa vina Muse atunci; ce-ar fi insemnat pentru mine si pentru multi altii… O parte din acesti “multi altii” era langa mine (:D ) dar sper ca si restul s-a aflat aseara pe undeva prin apropiere, listening, loving, sharing
oh, the memories…


“Bitch, please!”

tipul asta e genial sau am luat-o eu razna?


cute ( or should i say pretty), gay, witty, effeminate, self-absorbed, bouncy haired, baby-blued… ladies and gents, meet Cris Crocker ( inca nu si-a dezvaluit numele adevarat)!

ce mi se pare cel mai tare e faptul ca tipul asta a crescut intr-un orasel american, pe undeva prin sud, cu bunicii lui penticostali. IN SUD! nu-mi pot inchipui prin ce a trecut, dar ce-a fost a fost si a dus la ceea ce este si, mai important, unde este, intr-un timp atat de scurt. in cateva luni de postari pe youtube si myspace, chris a devenit a genuine web 2.0 icon. you kick ass, chris!

vis urat

sute de etaje, culoare, camere, geamuri, vant, urmariti si urmarind
lumina artificiala, panica, alb, umbra; cearsafuri si camasi apretate; desculti
usa de lemn trebuie incuiata in urma



abstract la 7 dimineata, ora la care masinariile incep sa huruie in fata blocului; zilele astea Chiliman face exces de zel si cu bordurile de pe strada Borsa, fara nici o intentie ascunsa, desigur

I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I hope I won’t turn it into dust crap

street delivery

Tocmai am aflat! Art Delivery de anul trecut devine Street Delivery . Anul asta se anunta si mai mare – se va desfasura aproape simultan si in Timisoara – si mai tare :D


Pe scurt, in perioada 1 – 3 iunie strada Arthur Verona va fi inchisa autoturismelor, iar cei prezenti vor fi intampinati cu muzica, discutii, vata de zahar, baloane, culori, forfota, bancute si, mai pe seara, proiectii de filme.
Din cate am surprins eu, data trecuta arata cam asa:






Not Waving But Drowning



Nobody heard him, the dead man,
But still he lay moaning:
I was much further out than you thought
And not waving but drowning.

Poor chap, he always loved larking
And now he’s dead
It must have been too cold for him his heart gave way,
They said.


Oh, no no no, it was too cold always
(Still the dead one lay moaning)
I was much too far out all my life
And not waving but drowning.

		Stevie Smith 


me me me

fishie, fishie

M-am trezit cu un pestisor auriu pe cap, folosit si reciclat de Raluca, si ii raspund asa:

Dorinta nr 1: Un pestisor auriu personalizat.
Dorinta nr. 2: Pestisorul asta sa-mi indeplineasca toate dorintele.
Dorinta nr. 3 ( care, if you think about it, e de fapt prima dorinta): A backpack trip through Europe, cu un “micut” Canon de gat :D

Acum fishie se duce la miss morningjacket, la cax si la alexandra.